Welcome to our 2023-2024 academic school year at Belize Rural High School. BRHS has had a challenging history nonetheless; we see a vibrant future – and we welcome you as an important part of our promising new school. I am pleased to enter this year as Principal after having been your administrator at BRHS for the past twenty (20) years. And, as many of you may know, being the principal at BRHS is filled with many challenges such as discipline, student performance and quality education.

One of the most important components to a successful school year is to understand that you are part of a team – a team where teachers, parents and students work hand in hand to produce the best results. For only our best is good enough. Additionally, our theme for this year is: “Service with Community”.

As with any successful team, there are “rules” that apply. We have prepared this Student Handbook to guide you on the “team rules.” Your behavior and attitude play an important role in your productivity and success. We ask you to review this handbook carefully – and ask that you share it with your parents/guardians as well. Please ask us if you need clarification of any of the handbook information.

Everyone at Belize Rural High School cares about your success – both academically and personally. Please feel free to call on me and/or any of the BRHS faculty and staff if you need any assistance. We’re excited for a great school year! Enjoy it!!

Yours in Education, Service and Community,

Juan R. Góngora, M. Ed.

Principal, Belize Rural High School

Hoy, no mañana!